Ø Mainly focuses on skill, learning and workforce development for the industry.
Ø Safe and competent work force.
Ø Career Opportunities.
Ø Contributes direct tax annually in excess of 10 billion pounds.
Ø Offshore and onshore activities.
Ø There aare different sectors.
o Primary sector: extracting raw materials
o Skills: Specific abilities, attributes and techniques
o Competencies: areas of activity in which a firm is particularly strong.
o Management: organizing human and physical resources to achieve business aims and objectives.
Ø Management & Leadership: Employee motivation and identifying the employee’s area of skills.
Ø Area of skills: Drilling, Welding, Logistics, Sales, Sales and emergency planning.
Ø Promote STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics.
Ø Skills & Aptitudes of Employee: Technical & Scientific skills,
· Human skills,
· Practical Skills.
Ø Learning supply chain: Management flow from point of origin to point of consumption. (Raw materials, work-in-progress, inventory, finished goods)
Ø Management elements: HENRI FAYOL- Role of a manager: Planning
§ Controlling
§ Co-coordinating
§ Commanding
§ Organizing
Ø Primary Motivator: FW TAYLOR- Scientific approach: More money paid in wages, more work done, but this theory did not work for long.
Ø Types of managers:
· Theory x: -
· Managers feel that workers are:
o Lazy and dislike work,
o Motivated by money,
o Avoid responsibility.
Theory y: -
o Enjoy work
o Motivated by range of factors such as esteem.
o Make their own decisions.
Ø Management style
o Autocratic: managers who take decisions without consultation or discussion
o Democratic: managers who attempts to gain the opinions of others before making decisions
o Paternalistic: Where decisions are intended to be in the best interest of the workforce.
Ø Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
§ Self-Actualization
§ Social Needs
§ Basic Needs
Ø If unskilled employee is employed, there will be unsafe condition in offshore.
Ø Difficult to cope with managers of Theory X in the company.
Ø Cause health problems
Ø Highly inflammable (easily catches fire) air which may cause death.
· Managers can achieve their objectives through staff only.
· Psychological reasons of employees: Some were working hard and some were not just because of their wages.
· PATERNALISTIC STYLE: Where managers won’t ask employee for suggestions.
o JOBS: UK supports half a billion jobs.
o Learning supply chain: Stimulates the movement of the people within the industry.
o Job Roles: Wide range of job roles, both Offshore and Onshore.
o Diverse range of staff: To ensure safety and best solution.
o Encouraging young people: To consider oil & gas industry as an exciting career option.
o Adopt DEMOCRATIC STYLE: To involve employees before reaching a decision.
o Partnership with different organizations supports the industry’s development.
o Collective interest
o Mode of decision making
o Benefits to young employee: Like boosting confidence and problem solving skills which ultimately will help organization to grow.
o Appropriate Management Style: To ensure safety and best solutions of diverse range of staff.
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